Criticism and humility

It is a reoccurring theme in my life: every time I feel comfortable, or feel like I have everything under control, or think of myself a little better than I ought to, I get grounded by the reality that I’m actually not as good as I think myself to be.

The lucky thing for me is, I take criticisms really well, and I know exactly what I need to do to be better. It’s the whole “been there (made a mistake), done that (learned and became better)”, but the vicious cycle takes on another level, making the challenges greater each time.

However, when I reflect on my circumstance, I sometimes compare myself to others: why aren’t others getting into trouble like I am? I know I’m really not that incapable, so why does it feel like I’m the only one?

Then again, I’ve been a firm believer in comparisons do nothing but stunt growth and a waste of time.

I listen to the criticisms carefully, look at the holes that need filling, and try to adapt as quickly as possible. In an ever-changing world, there is no time to be complacent or to fall back to old habits. Now the real lesson begins: how to stay on top of things, and to keep striving for innovations.

Criticisms usually aren’t given in a happy demeanor. The reaction that stems out of criticism is what defines character. And the best character is grounded in humility. It is important to stay grounded. Always. Lest your pride bring ruin to your character.

These are the views and opinions of the author, unaffiliated with any organizations. He would like to encourage you as a reader to interact with the text by making a comment, or by writing to him directly @

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